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A deeply researched account from an award-winning journalist that uncovers the ways in which abusers exert control in the darkest-and most intimate-ways imaginable.
We fear dark alleys when in truth, home is the most dangerous place for a woman. Of the 87,000 women killed globally in 2017, more than a third (30,000) were killed by an intimate partner, and another 20,000 were killed by a family member. In the US, that rate is 2.5 women killed by their...
Abused for fifteen years by my first husband, Jesse, my life was pure hell and cursed! I had six children, which made it harder to escape. I lost my firstborn son when he was four. After his death, Jesse couldn't hit me hard enough to hurt me more than the pain of losing my child. I got used to his punches and him stomping me. Unless you have been in an abusive relationship, it's hard to understand the power and control an abuser has. What he uses...
3) Autumn Sky
Not all abuse is physical. Not all abuse leaves bruises. But for all victims of abuse, it's never easy to break free.
The day Julia's best friend Becky gives her a magazine article to read, her whole world falls apart. After years of suffering emotional and psychological abuse, is Julia ready to face the truth about her perfect marriage to Simon, or will she continue to hide her head in the sand?
This second edition of Autumn Sky includes Helen...
4) The Divorce
Abuse comes in many shades and colors not always recognized by the victim. This is the story of one woman's struggle to realize the nature of abuse in her marriage, and learn to escape, despite the monumental consequences. With one daughter, and being the sole income earner in her family, it illustrates the nature of abusive relationships, and the advantage that was taken of her. It also investigates how children in divorce can be used as "weapons"...
5) La cascada
El sol se pone en la autovía del Norte mientras Nathalie huye de Madrid. Huye de una relación asfixiante con un hombre celoso y autoritario. De una casa a la que nunca pudo llamar hogar porque es como una herida abierta que le recuerda todos los días que su vida es un fracaso, tal y como atestigua su historial de trabajos precarios, y como evidencian los lienzos y el material de pintura olvidados en uno de los cuartos. También huye de la incomprensible...
6) Finally Free
"You called me bitch for the last time!"
Click. Shami hung up the phone. It felt as though a refrigerator was lifted off her chest instantly. "Wow!" I said to myself. "It was that easy? I don't believe it."
Shami is a young woman who dreamed of falling in love, getting married, raising a beautiful child, and keeping them together by any means necessary. She met and fell in love with a gorgeous man, John. Then her world turned upside down, and in...
"Rising from the Ashes: Reclaiming Your Life after Narcissistic Abuse" is an empowering guidebook meticulously crafted to provide unwavering support and guidance to individuals who have endured the devastating effects of narcissistic abuse.Delving into the delicate nuances of narcissistic abuse, this book is rooted in the understanding of the emotional and psychological challenges faced by individuals in abusive or traumatic situations. It taps into...
A Safe Place for Women tells a harrowing, but ultimately hopeful, story of one woman's ordeal with an abusive husband and how she gained the strength to leave him and thrive in a new life with her children. Noted women's advocate Kelly White unsparingly revisits the dark periods of her husband's irrational, violent moods. Her narrative makes clear why women often stay in such situations-and also how to end them. After each section of personal narrative,...
Do you wonder if you are being abused or if someone you know is being abused?
Do you want to heal from abuse and learn how to live an abuse-free peaceful life?
Overcoming Abuse: Embracing Peace Volume II is an encyclopedic handbook that answers questions on the problem-abuse trauma. No truth is left untold. Detailed Clinical Faith-based treatment strategies are provided. The path is enlightened as the victim takes possession of her life! Triumphant...
When you think about abuse, do you think of someone being, slapped? Or, punched? I did too until I found myself in a toxic marriage, in which I was emotionally, verbally, mentally, and financially abused. I did not even know I was being, abused until I was, taken out of the situation and started seeing a therapist. This is my story of how the abuse, changed my life, of how I had, to fight, to rebuild my life.
I want to educate others to know that...
"Off and on I'd try to break free of the relationship, but I always went back..." So begins one woman's story of domestic violence, but the words she penned could have come from anyone. That is because at its core, each instance of domestic violence tells the same story, enacted again and again across different lives and through generations. Breaking Free is a collection of ten women's stories of emotional and physical hurt, heartbreak, and triumph....
13) Tears in a Jar
This is a story about loss and restoration. Instead of a tale of woe and loneliness, it is a tale of freedom, redemption, and rebuilding. During a very painful divorce, I lost everything and everyone I knew. My ex-husband aided by our church, my family of origin, and many of our friends, built a wall around my children and refused to give me meaningful access to them.Throughout these challenging and painful events, I continued to keep the faith that...
Is there a way to prevent-and stop-violence and abuse in intimate relationships? This book, the first in a series aimed at helping readers better understand domestic abuse, explores how that information can be used to teach readers to make positive choices about their own physical and emotional safety and the physical and emotional safety of their children.
Gary Kirby's long-term goal is to eradicate domestic abuse, so that no child is forced to witness...
These shocking statistics call to our attention the importance of financial independence among women. Financial dependence, though, is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Dependence can also be noted in Validation and Self Esteem; Mobility and Daily Care; and Emotional Support and A Shield from the World. Loving, caring, and well meaning spouses, families, and caregivers can unwittingly gnaw away at self confidence and self esteem until a person...
Through all the pain of every monster that came through her life, this book is about a sister who tried to protect her brothers and herself from the constant devastating abuse and a mother who didn't know how to love. Losing hope in herself and knowing they would never be rescued finally made her indestructible. Never giving up, working hard, and praying every day finally brought greatness into their lives. This book will show you that it doesn't...
When you say the words 'domestic abuse', the first image that comes to mind for most is male violence towards women. Despite what some may believe, the very real truth is that domestic abuse is not a gendered crime, with men making up an estimated third of all victims. Break the Silence — A Support Guide For Male Victims Of Domestic Abuse explores the world of the male victim in an attempt to break the social stereotypes and gendered beliefs when...
· Here's what you'll find inside Are You a Victim of Insane Relationships?
Why newly found seemingly ideal relationships often quickly fall apart
Why those who look for love are those least likely to find it
Why you can intensely hate your partner but not be able to break up the relationship
How your partner can psychologically change your behavior-without you ever knowing it
How your partner can destroy your identity and ruin...
The book is memoir of a domestic abuse survivor as told through her diary and life experiences. Part one shows what domestic abuse looks like and what it feels like. Part two covers the "hooks" that hold women in an abusive home and describes healing techniques. The third part centers on how to keep women and their children safe after they have escaped. In the forth part o the book the author shares the poem that grew out of her diary and life experiences....
This is a memoir about a man's life that covers so many social and personal aspects of life that highlight major areas of concern in our current society. It is a raw, honest portrayal that will surely affect its readers as only the best of writing can do. It is the story of an immigrant man who came to America with nothing, became a Marine, then a police officer, only to end up in prison. It is about making mistakes, surviving, resilience and redemption....
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