From the Book - First U.S. edition.
1. Russia: ̀The Motherland Calls', Volgograd --
2. Russia And Poland: ̀Four Sleepers' Monument, Warsaw --
3. Usa: Marine Corps Memorial, Arlington, Virginia --
4. Usa And The Philippines: Douglas Macarthur Landing Memorial, Leyte --
5. Uk: Bomber Command Memorial, London --
6. Italy: Shrine To The Fallen, Bologna --
Coda: The End of Heroism --
7. Netherlands: National Monument, Amsterdam --
8. China: Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall --
9. South Korea: Peace Statue, Seoul --
10. Usa And Poland: Katyn Memorial, Jersey City --
11. Hungary: Monument For The Victims Of German Occupation, Budapest --
13. Slovenia: Monument To The Victims Of All Wars, Ljubljana --
14. Japan: Yasukuni Shrine, Tokyo --
15. Italy: Mussolini's Tomb, Predappio --
16. Germany: Hitler's Bunker And The Topography Of Terror, Berlin --
17. Lithuania: Statue Of Stalin, Grutas Park --
Coda: The Value of Monsters --
18. France: Oradour-Sur-Glane --
19. Germany: Memorial To The Murdered Jews Of Europe, Berlin --
20. Germany: Monument To The Victims Of The Firestorm, Hamburg --
21. Japan: A-Bomb Dome, Hiroshima, And Peace Statue, Nagasaki --
22. United Nations: Un Security Council Chamber Mural, New York --
23. Israel: Balcony At Yad Vashem, Jerusalem --
24. Uk: Coventry Cathedral And The Cross Of Nails --
25. European Union: Liberation Route Europe.