Philosophers on philanthropy --
On the terms "philanthropy" and "charity" --
1. Philanthropy as an artifact of the state : institutional forms of philanthropy --
The liturgical system and the amazing antidosis procedure in democratic Athens --
The Islamic waqf: precursor to the contemporary philanthropic foundation --
Eighteenth and nineteenth century resistance to foundations: Anne-Robert Turgot ; John Stuart Mill --
2. Philanthropy and its uneasy relation to equality --
Philanthropy and equality --
An overview of giving in the United States --
Philanthropy and tax policy: Equality and the treatment of donors ; Equality and the distribution of charitable giving --
When philanthropy generates greater inequality: the plutocracy of the PTA --
3. A political theory of philanthropy --
Justifications for tax incentives: Tax base rationale ; Efficiency rationale ; Pluralism rationale --
4. Repugnant to the whole idea of a democratic society? : on the role of foundations --
The birth of the private foundation in the United States --
What is a foundation for? --
Foundations as institutional oddities: Foundations lack accountability ; Foundations lack transparency ; Donor-directed purpose in perpetuity ; Foundations are generously tax-subsidized --
The case for foundations: Pluralism ; Discovery --
5. Philanthropy in time : future generations and intergenerational justice --
Just savings and intergenerational assistance --
The reproduction of social capital argument --
The precaution against remote risks argument --
The discovery argument --