Pt. I. Ottoman Lebanon. The Emirate of Mount Lebanon (1523-1842) ; The bloody death of the Muqatàji System (1842-1861) ; Grandeur and misery of the Mutasarrifiya (1861-1915) ; Beirut, capital of trade and culture (1820-1918)
Pt. II. State and society. Greater Lebanon : the dialectics of attachment and detachment (1915-1920) ; From mandate to independence (1920-1943) ; The merchant republic (1943-1952) ; The pro-Western authoritarianism of Kamil Shamùn (1952-1958) ; Shihabism and the difficult autonomy of the state (1958-1970) ; From social crisis to civil war (1968-1975)
Pt. III. The wars of Lebanon. Reform by arms (1975-1976) ; The longest coup d'etat (1977-1982) ; The war order (1983-1990)
Postscript : ambiguities and contradictions of the T̓aif Agreement.