Foreword / Temple Grandin, author of "The way I see it"
part I. First steps: They say it's autism... what does that mean?
Looking forward (oh, for a crystal ball)
part II. Home base: Create an environment that works for everyone ; Home, safe home ; Home, sweet school ; Home, sweet home
part III. Healthy habits start at home: The right path from day one ; Nutrition needs ; Exercise needs ; Sleep needs ; Stimulation needs ; The well-child checkup
part IV. Learn to love the parade: Get the most out of your team ; Who are all these people ; What should my child be learning? ; What shouldn't my child be learning?
part V. Out and about: Venturing forth into the community ; The unwritten rules of the park and the playground ; How to go to the grocery store without going crazy ; Navigating barber shops, dentists' offices, and the rest of the world ; Safety first... but what if they get lost anyway? : prepare first responders to find your child
part VI: Emotional roller coaster: When there is no emoji to express how they feel ; Negative feelings : anxiety, anger, sadness ; Positive feeings : joy, delight, ecstasy ; Strategies for dealing with overstimulation
part VII. School days: Navigating the IEP process ; What is an IEP, anyway? ; Transition : vocational
part VIII. Transitions: Looking the future in the eye without blinking ; Pre-adolescence and the dreaded teen years ; Transition planning : educational ; Transition planning : financial ; Transition : recreation
part IX: Parents & children in the time of COVID
Postscript: Congratulations! You are on the right track & moving forward.