Fado -- My Skeleton -- My Proteins -- Mosquito -- My Eyes -- My Species -- My Corkboard -- My Memory -- My Weather -- In My Wallet I Carry a Card -- My Task -- My Sandwich -- A Well Runs Out of Thirst -- In a Room with Many Windows -- A Photograph of a Face Half Lit, Half in Darkness -- A Cottony Fate -- Cellophane: An Assay -- Quartz Clock -- My Life was the Size of My Life -- Perspective: An Assay -- Ordinary Rain. Every Leaf is Wet. -- Things Keep Sorting Themselves -- I Wake Early -- In a Kitchen Where Mushrooms Were Wasted -- Honey -- Hamper -- Florists' Roses -- Mop Without Stick -- The Problem -- In Praise of Being Peripheral -- A Chair in Snow -- Like the Small Hole by the Path-Side Something Lives in -- Wet Spring -- Many-Roofed Building in Moonlight -- Anywhere You Look -- Anatomy and Making -- I Cast My Hook, I Decide to Make Peace -- A Person Protests to Fate -- Twelve Pebbles -- I Wanted Only a Little -- A Common Cold -- This Morning, I Wanted Four Legs -- Once, I -- In Daylight, I Turned on the Lights -- How Rarely I Have Stopped to Thank the Steady Effort -- As a Hammer Speaks to a Nail -- I sat in the Sun -- Of Amplitude There is No Scraping Bottom -- The One Not Chosen -- Snow in April -- February -- Three Mornings -- Away From Home, I Thought of the Exiled Poets -- All Souls -- In Space -- Souvenir -- The Must-Mice -- The Conversations I Remember Most -- Two Linen Handkerchiefs -- Works & Loves -- Perspective Without any Point in Which it Might Vanish -- Runner -- The Beautiful Austere Room -- Not One Moment of this s Subtraction -- I Profess the Uncertain -- Zero Plus Anything is a World -- Entanglement -- Like Two Negative Numbers Multiplied by Rain --