Introduction / Paula Guran
Pickman's other model (1929) / Caitlin R Kiernan
Fair exchange / Michael Marshall Smith
Vicar of R'Lyeh / Marc Laidlaw
Crevasse / Dale Bailey & Nathan Ballingrud
Bad sushi / Cherie Priest
Old Virginia / Laird Barron
Dude who collected Lovecraft / Nick Mamatas & Tim Pratt
Oram County whoosit / Steve Duffy
Fungal stain / W H Pugmire
Study in emerald / Neil Gaiman
Buried in the sky / John Shirley
Bringing Helena back / Sarah Monette
Take me to the river / Paul McAuley
Essayist in the wilderness / William Browning Spencer
Disciple / David Barr Kirtley
Shoggoths in bloom / Elizabeth Bear
Cold water survival / Holly Philips
Great white bed / Don Webb
Lesser demons / Norman Partridge
Grinding rock / Cody Goodfellow
Another fish story / Kim Newman
Tsathoggua / Michael Shea
Mongoose / Elizabeth Bear & Sarah Monette
Colder war / Charles Stross