From the Book - First edition.
The irony of the leash (1978)
A fresh young voice from the plains (1981)
Snowflake/different streets (2012)
New poems. What tree am I waiting ; Summer ; Prophesy ; LONDON EXCHANGE ; My devil ; memory ; That rat's death --
The irony of the leash (1978). Homebody ; An attitude about poetry ; Evening ; Subscription ; The irony of the leash --
A fresh young voice from the Plains (1981). The honey bear ; Along the strand ; Greece ; Skuppy the sailor dog ; medium poem ; Welsh poetry ; My cheap lifestyle ; On the death of Robert Lowell ; Texas --
Sappho's boat (1982). Joan ; "Romantic pain" ; La vita nuova ; Exploding the spring mystique ; My rampant muse, for her ; Whax 'n Wayne ; Yellow tulips ; New York tulips ; Lorna & Vicki --
Not me (1991). A poem ; Edward the confessor ; Holes ; April noon ; The sadness of leaving ; Hot night ; And then the weather arrives ; November ; New England wind ; Mad pepper ; The sad part is ; Triangles of power ; Peanut butter ; The real drive ; Autumn in New York ; Mal Maison ; An American poem --
Maxfield Parrish (1995). Maxfield Parrish ; Bleeding hearts ; Sleepless ; "I always put my pussy ..." ; SHHH ; The mirror is my mother ; En garde ; PV ; Looking out, a sailor ; A debate with a glove ; Late March ; You ; "No poems" ; Life ; The poet --
School of fish (1997). School of fish ; Road warrior ; Last supper ; Merk ; Porn poems ; Just god ; Mr. Twenty ; Aurora ; Woo ; Rotting symbols ; Sullivan's brain ; My war is love ; Waterfall ; Tonight ; Story ; No no --
Skies (2001). "Jonathan's ..." ; "The whole mess ..." ; My wife is shopping ; "Twenty years ago ..." ; Writing ; "My mind's ... " ; The center ; Milk ; And ; Snakes ; Infinity mini ; Mt. St. Helens ; "I don't know ..." ; My hat ; Weather ; Sympathy ; Bone ; The guest --
On my way (2001). Harmonica ; Scribner's --
Sorry, tree (2007). No rewriting ; For Jordana ; Each defeat ; unnamed New York ; April 5 ; That country ; I'm moved ; San Diego poem ; cigarette girl ; To Hell --
Snowflake/different streets (2012). Transitions ; Snowflake ; D.H. ; Choke ; Caesarean toothbrush ; "The cat is in ..." ; Your name ; Mitten ; Hi ; The weather ; Smile ; The perfect faceless fish ; My box --
Epilogue. Anonymous ; Twice (essay).