Introduction : Making movies and incorporating gender --
Prologue : "The greatest electrical novelty in the world" : gender and filmmaking before the turn of the century --
pt. 1. Expansion, stardom, and uplift : women enter the American movie industry, 1908-1916 --
ch. 1. A quiet invasion : nickelodeons, narratives, and the first women in film --
ch. 2. "To get some of the 'good gravy'" for themselves : stardom, features, and the first star-producers --
ch. 3. "So much more natural to a woman" : gender, uplift, and the woman filmmaker --
Interlude : Women in serials and short comedies, 1912-1922 --
ch. 4. The "girls who play" : the short film and the new woman --
pt. 2. "A business pure and simple" : the end of uplift and the masculinization of Hollywood, 1916-1928 --
ch. 5. "The real punches" : Lois Weber, Cecil B. Demille, and the end of the uplift movement --
ch. 6. A "'her-own-company' epidemic" : stars as independent producers --
ch. 7. "Doing a 'man's work" : the rise of the studio system and the remasculinization of filmmaking --
Epilogue : "Getting away with it" --