Drunken monkeys and discovering alcohol : the dawn of time
Cleopatra and her inimitable liver : the ancient world
Hildegard's brewnuns just want to have fun : the early Middle Ages
Li Qingzhao and the devil's schoolhouse : the high Middle Ages
The deviant mirth of Mary Frith : the Renaissance
The vodka empire of Catherine the Great : the eighteenth century
The widow Clicquot and the deliciously feminine : the nineteenth century
Ada Coleman's American bar : the nineteenth century
Gertrude Lythgoe, queen of the bootleggers : the 1920's
Tequila, trousers and the legacy of Lucha Reyes : the 1930s and 40s
Sunny Sund the beachbomber : the 1950s
Ladies night with Bessie Williamson : the 1960a and 70s
The Joy Spence anniversary blend : the 1980s and 90s
Julie Reiner behind the bar after three : The 2000s
Apiwe Nxusani-Mawela's bold brew : the 2010s.