Flowers, plants, and trees
Animals. The faithful hound Gelert / a Welsh legend ; Dogs and cats ; Farm animals ; Horses and donkeys ; Countryside animals ; Reptiles
The king of the birds / a Celtic folktale ; Magpies, ravens and crows ; Seabirds ; Birds of prey ; Songbirds ; Farmyard birds
Ant and Bear / a Twana tale ; Bees, wasps, and hornets ; Butterflies, moths, and dragonflies ; Spiders ; Ants, ladybugs, and beetles
Flowers, plants, and trees.
Why the trees whisper / an Estonian folktale ; Common weeds ; Flowers ; Crops, vegetables, and herbs ; Deciduous trees ; Evergreen trees and shrubs ; Fruiting trees
How clouds were invented / a Greek myth ; Sunshine and warm days ; Rain, wind, and thunderstorms ; Snow, frost, and ice ; The sun, the moon, and the stars ; Clouds
Good luck or bad luck? / a folktale from China ; Good luck ; Bad luck ; Lucky charms