Preface / Kristina Wong, Sweatshop Overlord
Taxonomy of Auntie roles / Audrey Chan
We go down sewing / the Editors and Valerie Soe
Auntie Sewing Squad map / Audrey Chan
Auntie Sewing Squad core values : transparency + passion + humor + kindness / Amy Tofte and Kristina Wong
Auntie Sewing Squad bingo / Alina Wong and Heather Lou
Ode to spreadsheet of glory / Laura Karlin
Finding fabric / Candace Kim and Sharon McNary
Mary Poppins box of supplies / Laurie Bernadel
Moment of joy / Chey and Beatrice Townsend
Recipe for vegan kimchee / Grace Yoo
Sewing as care work / Preeti Sharma
Taxonomy of Auntie care / Audrey Chan
Evolution of Auntie care / Gayle Isa
Auntie Sewing Squad care-van / Duyen Tran
How to sew masks for fun and no profit in an apocalypse / Dana Leahy
Mask ties and earloops and nose pieces / Belinda Younis
Bread, roses, and face masks / Ellen Gavin
Home sweatshop / Laura McSharry
Recipe for ube halaya / Irene Tayag Laut
Sewing with intent / Chrissy Yee Lau
Behind the wheel of a large automobile full of PPE / Badly Licked Bear
Dreaming of my ancestors : sewing a network of protection across La Frontera / Jessica Arana
Abuela's facultad / Jessica Arana
Solidarity praxis / Lauretta Kanahoa Masters
Monks robe fabric / Melinda Creps
It's in your blood : warrior alliances in the time of corona / Constance Parng
Recipe for tsukemono mac salad / Dave Vindiola
Sewing as refuge / Mai-Linh K. Hong
Mending time : a movement score / Rebecca Pappas
Mask butterfly and stencil rose / Jacqueline Bell Johnson
Rebirth / Māhealani Flournoy
Three generations / Joni Byun
Sewing through a pan(dem)ic / Hellen Lee
How to measure, selfie / Sanae Robinson Guerin
Recipe for nourishing salve / Laura Karlin
Sewing as insurrection / Rebecca Solnit
ASS quilt / Melissa Quilter
Science is the light on the sewing machine / Karl Haro von Mogel, PhD
My dad sewing / Lisa Prostak
Querida abuelita Rafaelita / Lorena Madrigal
Sewing machine / Lorena Madriga
Treasuring mom / Joy Park-Thomas
Recipe for Earl's girl poundcake / Diana Williams
Teaching sewing / Grace Yoo
The ASS child labor kids sewing camp / Gina Rivera
To the rescue / Dominic and Teena Apeles
Technical assistance Auntie / Vibrina Coronado
Connecting my family's 100-year herstory / Jenni "Emiko" Kuida
Sewing with mom / Winnie Fong
Sewing for the next generation / Sylvia Kwon
A day in the life of Westside Hub / Gwennie Wong and Leilani and Ova Chan
Recipe for chocolate shortbread hearts / Melissa Quilter
we (can) do it / Elena Dahl
Coda : when finding pleasure is survival / the Editors
ASS sewing patterns / Mai-Linh K. Hong and Chey Townsend.