From the Book - First edition.
Reading the tea leaves : notations on the changing look of the literary / Sven Birkerts
The ends of the book : reading, economies, and publics / Matthew Stadler
The Amazon effect / Steve Wasserman
The self-hating book critic / Jessa Crispin
The view from a university press / Donna Shear
Poetry in translation : hemispheric perspectives / Gabriel Bernal Granados, Kristin Dykstra, & Roberto Tejada
An interview with Erin Belieu / Erin Belieu
16 things : more thoughts on the future of fiction / John O'Brien
Hold the damn door open : idealism is no currency / Megan M. Garr
Diversity is not enough : race, power, publishing / Daniel José Older
Comics publishing / Douglas Wolk
The art of agenting : an interview with Chris Parris-Lamb / Chris Parris-Lamb & Jonathan Lee
An essay on contemporary publishing without a single word about e-books / Gerald Howard
A culture of competition : some notes on writing contests & literary publishing / Kevin Larimer
Coming to Milkweed Editions / Daniel Slager
The overnight success of Lookout Books / Emily Louise Smith
The Southern review at eighty / Jessica Faust & Emily Nemens
What is the business of literature? / Richard Nash
The future value of a literary publisher / Jane Friedman.