Ferrabosco II: Come my Celia (2:14)
Ferrabosco II: Like hermit poor (1:42)
Ferrabosco II: So so, leave off this last lamenting kisse (2:38)
Campion: Fire fire (1:53)
Campion: I care not for these ladies (2:22)
Morley: A painted tale (2:29)
Morley: Thirsis and Milla (2:49)
Morley: With my love my life was nestled (2:17)
Morley: I saw my lady weeping (3:20)
Corkine: Beauty sat bathing (2:27)
Corkine: Tis true, tis day (2:53)
Morley: Who is it that this dark night (5:15)
Morley: Can I forget what reasons force (2:56)
Ford: Fair, sweet, cruell (1:43)
Ford: Goe passions to the cruell faire (3:29)
Ford: Not full twelve years (2:24)
Whither runneth my sweet hart (2:24)
Pilkington: Aye mee, she frownes (3:52)
Morley: Absence, hear thou my protestation (5:07)
Morley: Come sorrow come (6:09)
Rosseter: When Laura smiles (3:14)
Rosseter: What then is love but mourning (2:08)