Estate planning: it's your money and more
Objectives: what do you want?
The ten most common estate planning mistakes and how to avoid them
Assembling the team: finding a quarterback
Ownership and title: the built-in estate plan
Passing property: are wills enough?
Passing property through contracts, trusts, and operation of law: the beneficiary designation
Probate: the unnecessary last resort
Estate taxation: the last big surprise
States and death taxes: getting their fair share
Estate and gift taxation: the impact of EGTRRA 2001: the annual gift tax exclusion
Transfers at death: a stepped-up basis
The IRS 'assault' on your grandchildren: extra tax on transfers that skip generations
The retirement time bombs: losing your retirement benefits through taxation and poor planning
Using your deductions: use them or lose them
The magic of revocable trusts: a shelter from the storm
QTIP and reverse QTIP planning: gaining control
Irrevocable trusts: the keys to disinheriting the IRS
The family dynasty trust: breaking the tax chain
The credit shelter trust: creating true leverage
The discounted dollar plan: taking revenge on the IRS
The spousal support irrevocable life insurance trust: a new estate planning strategy with exit doors
Premium finance: where to find the premium
College 529 savings plans: educate your posterity and reduce your estate
Charitable giving and the wealth replacement trust: the only remaining tax shelters
Private foundations: the ultimate zero estate tax plan
The charitable gift annuity: now you can give and receive
Qualified personal residence trust: keeping your house in the family
The reverse mortgage: extract your home equity and reduce your estate while never leaving home
Life settlement: selling old ineffective life policies for cash
Protecting your assets: watching your backside
Getting started: taking the next step - our invitation to you.