From the Book - First American edition.
Prologue: Making an agglomeration look like a city / by Néstor García Canclini
Entry into the labyrinth : chaos is not something you improvise
Living in the city : "if you see Juan ..."
City characters : el chilango
Shocks : how many of us are there?
Living in the city : the child heroes
Ceremonies : the shout (el grito)
La independencia, S.A. de C.V.
Places : the back patio (La zotehuela)
Living in the city : oblivion
Ceremonies : coffee with the poets
City characters : el merenguero
Places : the mausoleums of the heroes
City characters : the manager
Crossings : from eye candy to Moctezuma's revenge
Ceremonies : "do good without staring at the blonde." Wrestling movies
Places : public government ministry
Living in the city : my grandmother's outing
Places : Tepito, El Chopo, and other informalities
City characters : Paquita la del Barrio
Ceremonies : the virgin of transit
Living in the city : the conscript
City characters : the King of Coyoacán
Ceremonies : the bureaucracy of Mexico City
Places : fairs, theme parks, children city
Places : a square meter of the nation
Ceremonies : how does the city decorate itself? From the foundational image to garbage as ornament
Crossings : extraterrestrials in the capital
Shocks : a car on the pyramid
Places : the meeting spot
Living in the city : rain soup
City characters : the tire repair man
Ceremonies : the passion of Iztapalapa
Shocks : the anxiety of influenza, diary of an epidemic
City characters : the quack
Shocks : the disappearance of the sky
Crossings : the city is the sky of the metro
City characters : the zombie
City living : the political illusion
Ceremonies : the security book
City characters : the sewer cleaner
Shocks : the earthquake : "stones are not native to this land"
Ceremonies : the aftershock, a postscript to fear.