Amy Krouse Rosenthal
3) Little Hoot
6) Wumbers
What do you get when you combine a word and a number? A wumber! Paying tribute to William Steig's CDB!, best-selling book, cre8ors Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Tom Lichtenheld have wri10 and illustr8ed this s2pendous book that is 1derful 4 readers in kindergar10 and up. If we've confused you, just take a look at the book 4tun8ly it has helpful pictures. We are sure you will get it ins10tly!
10) Little Oink
11) Friendshape
12) Little Pea
13) Dear Girl
No racing in the haul-ways! From the late, beloved author Amy Krouse Rosenthal, a look at seven adorable train cars on their first day of school.
All aboard the train-car pool! A new lineup of students is off and rolling to Choo-Choo School. After reciting their classroom rules — Work hard, play fair, be kind — it's time for some math to get the wheels turning. Then everyone's ready to climb a hill in gym (it's good
Celebrate the magic of believing with Uni the unicorn!
Uh-oh! Uni and the little girl find a trail of candy wrappers on the forest floor. These don't belong here! Ride along as they clean up the mess and teach a valuable lesson about litter at the same time.