Felicia Bell
"When a child is abused, neglected, kidnap or murdered, it destroys the soul of a nation. As a parent, it is the most heartbreaking and devastating thing that could happen to you, and we all lift their hearts up. This book chronicle the lives of lost children as they speak to us from the grave. I understand nothing can take the place of a lost child, however, just to hear or visualize them playing In heaven, warm every heart reading this book."
The climate of hate is unbearable, and it is destroying the spirit of America and the world. How pathetic we become to hate or prejudge a person because their skin color is different than ours. When are going to realize that love sees no color, and love is more powerful than those that perpetrate hate and hateful rhetoric. President Donald Trump can be blamed for some of the hate message disseminating; however, common sense tells us, that respect...